With Ashanna and Dana

February 8 - 17, 2017

  • Casa Luna, Estrella & Floresta – $1,100.00
  • Casa Sol – $1,100.00
  • Casa Bougainvillea – $1,100.00
  • Cottage with AC – Single – $1,780.00
  • Casita - Single – $1,390.00
  • Camping – $1,320.00

The Package includes 9 nights of accommodation and the workshop tuition.

This intensive training retreat in Clarity Breathwork™(formerly Rebirthing) is an opportunity for both accelerated personal transformation and leads to certification in a profound & effective healing art. Learn how to support yourself and others with daily Clarity Breathwork™ sessions on land and in water, sacred live music & meditation, inquiry processes, movement, time in nature, and immersion with a healing community.

The Clarity Breathwork™ process helps to activate the subconscious mind and bring awareness and insights not easily accessed through traditional therapy. Breath opens the energy channels in the body and allows what we have been holding onto to surface and be released. This may be suppressed emotional material, physical blocks in the body, old beliefs structures and identifications, old memories, escape patterns and addictions.
Clarity Breathwork™ combines counseling and insight as well as a somatic experiential process where clients gain a deep level of insight, release emotional baggage and actually feel the patterns shifting and transforming.
Clarity Breathwork emerged out of the consciousness era of the 60’s to support people in addressing core issues held in the subconscious while also expanding consciousness in order to contact one’s Essence—healing our false sense of separation. It supports people to release stress and tension, heal and resolve trauma, gain deeper insights into current life issues, and access one’s own internal healing energy, creativity and greater knowing.

clarity breath work

Practitioner’s Intensive Level 3
gives the tools to support others in the many issues that can arise in breathwork sessions and gives students ample experience in trading sessions and learning how to support and process each other at deeper levels. We address both psychological and spiritual process drawing from the teachings of Osho, Adyashanti, Byron Katie, Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, Marshall Rosenberg, Peter Levine, Stan Grof, Krishnanda & Amana Trobe, and others.

Business & Leadership Level 4
Prepares the student to create an effective, professional practice. We explore and transform the ways that our birth trauma can hold us back from expressing and fully living our true life passion and leadership roles. Working with prosperity consciousness and manifesting we clear the way for success. Learn the basics of setting up a breathwork practice, including marketing yourself and attracting clients. The training covers ethics and appropriate behavior, and client relationships.

clarity breath work at the river


About the Leaders


has been an alternative therapist and teacher for over 23 years facilitating hundreds of workshops and private sessions. Ashanna is a Certified Clarity Breathwork™ Practitioner and Trainer facilitating workshops in the U.S. and internationally, for personal transformation and training practitioners in the healing arts. Ashanna is a Somatic Experiencing Graduate, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Intuitive […]

Learn more about Ashanna


Dana Dharma Devi has been involved in the Global Breathwork Community for over 30 years as a Certified Clarity Breathwork Trainer and Practitioner, inspirational teacher and guide. She is also certified by ARTI (Association of Rebirthers and Trainers int'l.), and the former LRT (Loving Relationships Training) as well as Condor Blanco in Chile—a holistic and ecological mystery […]

Learn more about Dana

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