Application Form

Family Guest Inquiry

Flexible Dates

We ask for a minimum stay of 10 nights so that a true taste of PachaMama can be experienced. 
* These fields are required

2 People in your group

Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
After completing this form, emails will be sent to everyone in your group to complete their information.

3 Participant Info

Please use this email for all future registrations/payments/inquiries
Family accommodations have a private bathroom and cooking facilities
in case the first choice is not available.
please let us know in a few words what you are seeking
Please share the benefits and the challenges you experienced.
Experience required but is one of the pillars of PachaMama.
Name and Email-address of all adults + number and ages of children.
Please provide your children's ages to assist us in finding suitable accommodation for your family
In order to make sure we can support you and your family Please inform us of any health or psychological conditions and medications.
See our Cancellation Policy here
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