Private Body Cleanse - Jan 2017

With Gaya and Tanmaya

January 16 - 20, 2017

Date and Time Details: starts 8am on the first day

Location: Prana Clinic

  • $790.00 – Program Price
  • $395.00 – Annual Fee Payer

Important notes:
Based on long-term experience, it is highly recommended to arrive in PachaMama at least 2 days before the cleanse group starts in order to get oriented in the forest and the village, allow the body to get used to a different climate and new environment, and lighten the diet with the vegetarian food served in PachaMama.

It is also recommended to stay for at least a couple of days after the group finishes, so you can support your coming out of the cleanse with the appropriate food, specifically served in PachaMama in the days after the cleanse group finishes.
* It is advisable to bring with you good probiotic capsules to further support your body’s natural flora and digestion after the cleanse ends.

About the Leader


Tanmaya is a health coach (certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York), a Yoga teacher and a Dance Movement Therapist (M.A.). She has focused her learning and exploration on body-mind relations for the past 20 years, looking at different ways in which the body manifests wellness and sickness, and the tight connections […]

Learn more about Tanmaya

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