Restorative 100 Hour Yoga TT - LEVEL 1 - 4 - Apr 2025
With Ela
April 2 - 14, 2025
About the essence of this training
This training is based upon the path of self-inquiry. The exploration of conditionings and habits, to allow aspects of oneself to be revealed. It will support the peeling of layers of personality, to reveal one’s true essence.
This Restorative Yoga and Meditation training is open to all, but would be most beneficial for current or aspiring yoga teachers, or a yoga student willing to dive deeper into self understanding.
Due to its passive nature, restorative yoga prepares the body-mind system for meditation. It creates space to learn to listen to the body, surrendering to the pose and accepting the moment as it is. It is a Yin (feminine/passive) form called the “Yoga of Being” countering and yet balancing the Yang (masculine/active) practice.
Restorative Yoga is an oasis in an active lifestyle as it works mainly on the nervous system to bring calmness, relaxation, and clarity to make decisions and act. This training will provide new tools to take into one’s own practice, teachings, and into everyday life. It is an in-depth learning for a life in a higher vibration with awareness, and acceptance of oneself, others, and care for Mother Earth.
This Restorative Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training is done in 4 modules called “Fundamentals” (1, 2 , 3 & 4). Fundamentals need to be followed in order. Each module includes assignments: readings, observing classes, practicing teaching and assisting.
A certification is given after fully completing each Fundamental.
A complete course syllabus can be found here.
About the Leader
Veda Ela is passionate about sharing the path of yogic life style - an adventurous life full of joy! She is a Dancer, Yoga & Meditation teacher who has trained in classical ballet and various forms of Hatha yoga. Her practice and teaching have been continuously evolving, finally leading into the creation of her own […]
Learn more about ElaCategory : Awareness