Synergistics - June 2025
With Ricky
June 30 - July 4, 2025
Using breath to dissolve tension as if it never existed and enhance our focus
and awareness to move with economy of energy.
Exploring the benefits of guided imagery while recruiting our muscles to connect
to the energy body; increasing range of motion and functionality.
Using repertoire from Yoga, Pilates, Gyrokinesis, and Chi Gong to
challenge the integrity of our movement, will find a synergy of new
elements to improve our practice, each one at their own level whether
beginners or advanced practitioners.
A morning practice of awareness before breakfast 1 hour 6:30-7:30
Learning and experimenting with different elements for improving our
movement. 2 hours. 8:30-10:30
Integrating what we have learned into our practice. 1.5 hours 10:45-12:15
About the Leader
Category : Awareness